Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic Acupuncture is a safe, natural, and effective way to help stimulate our bodies natural ability to produce collagen and elastin, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, increase blood flow, tighten the skin, and promote your natural glow from the inside out. Points are done on the face and body. Facial Gua Sha and/or cupping will also be included in each treatment. A series of 10 treatments is highly recommended for the best results.
This treatment is not for you if you are pregnant or suffer from migraines, seizures, HTN, diabetes, epilepsy, hepatitis, or heart disease. We also do not suggest this treatment if you recently had Botox.
Feeling anxious? Acuflow is our signature acupuncture treatment to combat anxiety. If you experience feelings of dread, worry, restlessness and/or fatigue this is definitely the treatment for you. Acuflow treatments work to help reduce panic attacks, improve your sleep and concentration and help you manage any anxiety related aches or pains.
At CFA, we believe in the power of having an amazing support team for all of our patients. We have a wonderful network of therapists, bodyworkers and healers that we refer patients to and would be happy to help you find the support that is right for you.
Want to learn more about evidence based acupuncture for the treatment of anxiety? Click here for our guide!
Acuflow treatments are given by Robyn, our resident mental health specialist. She is currently working towards her Trauma Informed Care Certificate through Acupuncturists Without Borders and has extensive training in using acupuncture for the treatment of mental health.
Feeling down? AcuGlow is our signature acupuncture treatment for those suffering from depression. If you have been struggling with mood dysregulation, low appetite, fatigue, insomnia, poor memory and/or aches or pains related to depression this is the right treatment for you. You’ll get complimentary ear seeds to take home to help stabilize your mood all week long.
At CFA, we believe in the power of having an amazing support team for all of our patients. We have a wonderful network of therapists, bodyworkers and healers that we refer patients to and would be happy to help you find the support that is right for you. We are strong believers in talk therapy and love to match our patients with the right therapist.
Acuflow treatments are given by Robyn, our resident mental health specialist. She is currently working towards her Trauma Informed Care Certificate through Acupuncturists Without Borders has extensive training in using acupuncture for the treatment of mental health.
Aroma Point Therapy
Aroma Point Therapy, or APT, is a therapeutic way of incorporating essential oils & aromatherapy into your acupuncture session.
If you’ve experienced the oils already in sessions with Cat, this is an even greater healing immersion!
Applying the oils to the skin is herbal medicine for the body, acting synergistically with the acupuncture points for supportive healing and balance. Involving our sense of smell is an instantaneous way to calm our nervous system and bring us to the present moment, while tapping into the plant’s unique qualities and medicine.
What to expect:
In this session, you will receive a dedicated 1-hour appointment with Cat, the essential oils and acupuncture tailored just for you!
Up to 5 essential oils will be applied and intentionally held on specific acupuncture points to enhance your acupuncture treatment for a healing, meditative and nervous system soothing experience.
Cat can even recommend oils for you to continue your practice and healing at home!
Ask our knowledgeable front desk staff for more info and to book your session today!
Insurance does not cover Aroma Point Therapy Sessions.
Price- $150